
PDG in a Flash! is wonderful . . . Please keep up the good work. I have used your products since making SSgt in 1999, and continue as I make my way up the chain!
M.F., San Antonio, TX
Just wanted to let you guys know that you are the bomb-diggity. I used your PFE GOLD CDs for 2 cycles and haven't missed a promotion yet! I especially liked the games where that little PFE dude fell into the water and was bitten by the shark, or was blown up by a missile - it really made me laugh!
Z.M., Keesler AFB, MS
I wanted to also thank McMillan, like everyone else on here, and say when I actually decided to study for promotion, McMillan was there for me. I scored the highest I ever have on the PDG portion of my test, 81, and blew my AFSC's average out the water, 25 above average. Now that Master is looming around the corner, I plan on studying and making it first time. Let's hope for two stripes in a row with McMillan's help. Preach to your Airmen the value of studying the CORRECT information and not spending countless hours just reading through the AFH 1. MKTS is key! And McMillan helps simplify that! (AFH 1 GOLD and AFH 1 Advisor)
P.C., San Antonio, TX

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